Edge and Christian Bio |
EDGE: Real Name: Adam Copeland Height: 6'4" Weight: 240 pounds From: Toronto, Canada Finishing Move: Edge-o-Matic Career Highlights by WeirdKevin: Adam Copeland Possibly the most impressive wrestler to take part in the camp. Patterson, Funk and Prichard all commented that this six-foot, one-inch, 240-pound newcomer could certainly become an instant superstar in the Federation in a few months time. Copeland hails from Canada and many Titan employees who were on hand to watch this young star had nothing but enthusiasm for what his future holds! Other wrestling names that Edge used before he came to the World Wrestling Federation included Adam Impact and Sexton Hardcastle. He has been training as a wrestler since 1992 which is when he was 17. When Edge was 16 years old, he used to set up the wrestling ring, because it was his dream to become a professional wrestler. Edge's promo's started around May of 1998. Edge entered the World Wrestling Federation and was an immediate favorite by the fans. The fans just loved him and his music. Edge is a Tortured soul, no one knows much about him. He never spoke, never let anyone know much about him. This just shows you that you don't need to have mic skills to get over with the fans. Edge's mic skills are unknown at this point. Edge wrestled against in his debut was Jose Estrada, and he was injured by Edge. The fans were hoping this new wrestler wouldn't wind up being another Ahmed Johnson by injuring the wrestlers. Edge won his debut match as a result of a count out. Edge made his debut on Monday, June 22, 1998. Edge would wind up attacking wrestlers without reason, such as D'Lo Brown, Marc Mero, and on August 24th on RAW is WAR, Edge attacked one Gangrel who was wrestling X-Pac. It seemed that these two wrestlers had a history from before they both entered the World Wrestling Federation. Edge attacked Gangrel with more anger than he attacked those other wrestlers, it was apparent that these two guys "have a history". After Federation officials were separating the two men, Gangrel laughed at Edge. Edge was part of the 1998 Summer Slam. He wound up being Sable's Mystery Partner. Sable was to go to Summer Slam with a Mystery Partner against Jacqueline and Marc Mero, and Edge was the Mystery partner of Sable. Many wonder how Sable was able to convince this tortured soul to be her partner. They won the match after a team work move. Edge and Sable worked together to do a splash on Marc Mero then get the win. Edge went to the September PPV to wrestle Owen Hart one on one. The PPV took place in Canada, both competitors are from Canada, so there was really no favorite for the fans. Usually when the Federation goes to Canada, and the wrestler is from Canada, they'd be a heel in the United States, and get cheered majorly when they go to Canada, Owen Hart for example is one of them. Owen Hart won the match when Edge was distracted by a look a like on the outside of the ring. Later we learned that this look a like was his brother. Edge's brother had entered the World Wrestling Federation and allied himself with Gangrel. We knew that Gangrel and Edge had a history, this only made it worse by turning Edge's brother, Christian against him. One time Gangrel and Edge got into a brawl, and Gangrel said something to Edge like, "coming home", "My blood runs through your veins, Edge." What did he mean by that? Edge eventually wound up joining forces with Gangrel and Christian. They called themselves the Brood. They were perhaps a force in the World Wrestling Federation. The Brood weren't doing too well for themselves at first, so eventually they got really ticked off and everytime one of them lost a match, the lights would go out and they'd start beating the heck out of their enemies and when the lights would come back on, their enemy would be covered in blood. It was dubbed a Blood Bath. The Brood went to Rock Bottom to face the Job Squad, they went against Al Snow, Scorpio and Bob Holly in a six man tag team match. Edge, Gangrel and Christian were able to come out the winners of the match. Edge was in the 1999 Royal Rumble, but he wasn't able to win it. He didn't draw a good number, so he didn't have much of a chance. He did put on a good show for the time that he was in there. Edge definitely has some WWF gold in his future. He is an excellent WWF Superstar. Edge and Gangrel, the Brood went against Al Snow and The Road Dog the next night on RAW is WAR, but the Brood came up short, and didn't win the match as Bluedust helped The Road Dog and Al Snow win the Hardcore Tag Team Match. Edge and the rest of the Brood joined the Ministry Of Darkness and have been lurking around the World Wrestling Federation. Edge and The Brood weren't involved in any matches at Wrestlemania, but they did come from the ceiling after the Undertaker's Hell In A Cell match with the Big Bossman. The Brood all came from the ceiling and lowered a noose into the ring for the Undertaker to put around the Bossman's neck. Paul Bearer rose the cage and the Ministry Of Darkness hung the Big Bossman in the middle of the arena! On the April 12 edition of RAW is WAR, the Brood were basically booted out of the Ministry Of Darkness, because Christian screwed up one too many times, and the Undertaker told the Brood members to put Christian on the Undertaker symbol, and they refused to do it, so Viscera tried to do it, and the Brood all got in a fight with the Ministry Of Darkness members. They were out numbered, but Ken Shamrock and Mankind came out to help them, can you smell a ten man Tag Team match in upcoming weeks? In Your House: Backlash came about, and The Brood went against The Ministry Of Darkness in six man Tag Team action, all of the Brood were in the match. They went against the Acolytes and Mideon, The Brood lost as Viscera came to the ring and clobbered Christian allowing Bradshaw to get the clothesline from hell on him followed up by the pin. The Brood have been having problems with The Hardy Boyz. That all started on April 29 on WWF Smackdown. Dok Hendrix was interviewing The Brood, and Dok wanted to find out more about these guys, and he called them fakes, and he said that they were only a gimmick. The Brood got mad at that and gave Dok a bloodbath. Not too long after that, Dok Hendrix revealed to the world that his name was Michael Hayes, and that he was a legendary wrestler. Michael took the Hardy Boyz under his wing to get some revenge against the Brood, and those two teams have put on the best matches that the WWF has ever seen. The next night on RAW is WAR, Edge was in a wrestling match, and he got a little friendly with one of the hos of the Godfather, and it seemed that Gangrel didn't like what he saw in the ring, because Edge is supposed to be a mystery. It seemed a bit out of character, if you ask WeirdKevin. Can Edge be a sexual icon? The Brood were wrestling in a match one night, and Gangrel, who was angry at the popularity of Edge snapped during the match. Gangrel gave Edge the impaler DDT, and he walked away from the match. The Brood was broken up. The three Brood members went their separate way. Edge was to get a shot at the WWF Intercontinental Championship at Fully Loaded. Many thought that he would win it, but the night before Fully Loaded, Edge went against Jeff Jarrett at a WWF Live Event, and he was replacing Ken Shamrock. Edge upset Jeff Jarrett by winning the WWF Intercontinental Championship! Edge and Jeff Jarrett went against each other at Fully Loaded, and with the help of Gangrel, Jeff Jarrett was able to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship back from Edge. The next night on RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian were wrestling in a Tag Team match, and Gangrel came to the ring and took Christian, and brought him backstage. Edge was left in the ring alone against the Acolytes. Edge lost to the Acolytes in a Tag Team Championship match, so the Acolytes retained their belts, but where does that leave the relationship between Edge and Christian? Edge and Christian eventually joined forces and formed a Tag Team, and they continued to go through Tag Team ranks. Edge and Christian were part of the huge Tag Team Turmoil match up at Summer Slam, and they were doing quite well for themselves until the Acolytes came to the ring and finished them off. Edge and Christian continued to try to get at the Tag Team Gold when they were part of a Four Team Elimination match on RAW iS WAR. Unfortunately for the Tag Teams of the WWF, that wound up in a no contest match as the teams that weren't involved in the match, made themselves involved by beating up on the teams. Edge and Christian defeated the Acolytes in an upset one week on RAW is WAR, and that dubbed them the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship. They didn't get a shot at the belts right away, but they did eventually get a shot at them. The New Age Outlaws reunited on the Thursday before Unforgiven, and they won the Tag Team Championship belts. On Sunday Night Heat prior to Unforgiven, Edge and Christian challenged the New Age Outlaws for the Tag Team Championship belts and the match was set for Unforgiven. Edge and Christian weren't able to win the belts as the Hardy Boyz cost them the match when Jeff gave Edge a drop kick from the top rope. Billy Gunn was able to give Edge the fame-asser to win the match and retain the belts for his team. On the road to No Mercy, Edge and Christian were involved in a number of Tag Team matches against the Brood. Terri called the matches the Terri Invitational Tournament, and the winners would get 100,000 dollars, and her services as a manager. Edge and Christian won two matches in a row, then the Brood got a win. Then the two teams tied on RAW, and then on the Smackdown! 3 days before the event, the Brood tied it up. The final match was at No Mercy, and they wrestled in a ladder match. The match was one hell of a match, probably the best of 1999, and the Brood were able to get the win. Edge and Christian continue to be a Tag Team and when the 1999 Survivor Series came along, the two young superstars teamed up with the two guys they went against at No Mercy. It was Edge, Christian and the Hardy Boyz against Too Cool and the Hardcore Hollys. Hardcore Holly was able to win the match and be the only survivor when Too Cool and The Hardcore Hollys were just too much for the four youngsters. Edge and Christian went to WWF Armageddon to be a part of the Tag Team Battle Royal that took place. The rules were simple, if you were eliminated, you and your partner would have to go backstage. There were 8 teams in this match, and if you won, you would be going to the Royal Rumble in the new year to wrestle for the WWF Tag Team Championship. Edge and Christian were eliminated from the match as the Acolytes found themselves the winners. Edge was in the 2000 Royal Rumble, and he was unable to win the match. He was in there for a while, but he eventually got eliminated. The winner of that would go on to Wrestlemania to face the WWF Champion, and The Rock wound up winning the Rumble. The feud between the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian sparked up again and the two went to WWF No Way Out to wrestle each other in a tag team match. The winners of the match would become the number one contenders for the tag team belts. On that night, Terri came back and was in the corner of the Hardy Boyz, and she hired the Acolyte Protection Agency to be at ringside to protect her. While the match was going on, Jeff Hardy was about to attack Edge and Christian from the top rope, but Terri got on the apron and knocked him off. From there, Terri slapped Matt Hardy and then Christian put his finishing move on Matt Hardy to win the match. Edge and Christian didn't seem to know what was going through the mind of Terri, and why she did what she did, but in an interview after the match, Christian said he didn't expect things to go that way. Meanwhile, Edge told Christian that it didn't matter, and the only thing that mattered was that they were going to Wrestlemania to wrestle for the tag team belts. Edge and Christian were originally set to go to Wrestlemania for the tag team belts, but that didn't go down exactly as planned. Yes, they did go to Wrestlemania, but it wasn't in a regular tag tea match. It was for the Tag Team Belts in a Triangle Ladder match, in a match that was set by Vince McMahon. The match went on, and there were many high spots and bumps taken during the contest, and to end the match, Edge and Christian got the Tag Team belts from high above the ring to win the belts. Edge looked pretty hurt after the contest was over, but none the less, they became the new WWF Tag Team Champions. Edge and Christian continued to have success as the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, and going into WWF Backlash, the two got involved in a feud with two members of Degeneration X and they were The Road Dogg and X-Pac. The two teams went against each other at Backlash with the Tag Team belts on the line, and Edge and Christian came out on top with the help of a ring bell. They busted X-Pac wide open that night. The very next night on RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian were going against The Big Show and Rikishi Phatu in a tag team match, and they used the ring bell once again, and that cost them the match when the referee saw it. They bailed out of the ring after that and tried to leave, but The Road Dogg and X-Pac came out and attacked Edge and Christian and then tossed them back into the ring to The Big Show and Rikishi Phatu. The Big Show and Rikishi then beat up on the Tag Team Champions. With Edge and Christian as the tag team champions, they started to gloat about being the Champions. They went on to become arrogant guys who think they are better than others. They act like they aren't better than others, by letting other people take pictures of them, but they do it in a very arrogant way. Edge and Christian teamed up with Kurt Angle against Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu at Judgment Day in a six man tag team match. Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu were able to get the win when Grandmaster Sexay gave Edge the hip hop drop, allowing Rikishi to get the pin for the win. On the May 29 edition of RAW is WAR, it was live from Canada, and Edge and Christian went out there and made asses of themselves in front of the Canadian crowd. They had some confrontations with Joe C. in the backstage area, and he was visiting the WWF along with Kid Rock. During the match against Too Cool, Joe C. came to the ring with a hockey stick, and he gave Christian a low blow with it. From there, Grandmaster Sexay nailed Christian with one of the tag team belts, and then he pinned Christian to get the win and become the new WWF Tag Team Champions along with his partner, Scotty 2 Hotty. Edge and Christian both tried to get into the King of the Ring Tournament for the pay per view, but they were unable to do so. Edge came close as he went against Chris Jericho in the second qualifying round before the pay per view. Edge and Christian went to the King of the Ring pay per view in a Four Team Elimination match for the WWF Tag Team Belts. It was Edge/Christian vs. T&A vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. Too Cool as the Champions. In the end, it wound up being Edge and Christian against Too Cool, and behind the back of the referee, Christian used a tag team belt on Grandmaster Sexay, and from there, Edge was able to pin him to get the win and become to become the new WWF Tag Team Champions. Going into WWF Fully Loaded, the Acolytes won a tag team battle royal to earn the spot to be the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship belts. As weeks went by leading into the event, Edge and Christian made excuses left and right as to why they didn't have to fight the Acolytes. The match was originally scheduled on WWF Smackdown! after the Acolytes won the Battle Royal, but Edge and Christian were worn out from going against two tough opponents in the Undertaker and Kane. On the 7/17 edition of RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian teamed up with Chris Benoit to go against The Rock and the Acolytes. The team of Edge, Christian and Benoit were able to come out on top that night. When Fully Loaded came around, Edge and Christian were once again trying to get out of a match with the Acolytes as they made an excuse that Christian had food poisoning. While Mick Foley didn't believe them, he got a doctor to check on Christian. The doctor said that he didn't think that Christian would be able to compete that night, and Edge and Christian thought they got out of a match with the Acolytes. Later on in the night, Mick went into the locker room of Edge and Christian, and Christian seemed to be fine, but once he discovered that Mick Foley was there, he went into the bathroom and faked the sickness once again. Mick saw that Christian was just throwing water into a toilet and making puking sounds, and that's how he pulled off the sickness. Mick told them that they are so busted and their match is on. Match time came around, and the Acolytes held nothing back against Edge and Christian as Faarooq used the steel steps against the two youngsters right from the get go. The two teams finally got in the ring, and as the match came to a close, the Acolytes were about to win the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship belts, but Edge got in the ring with a Championship belt and he nailed one of the Acolytes with it in front of the referee. The referee gave the match to the Acolytes by disqualification, but the title can not change hands on a disqualification. Going into Summer Slam, Edge and Christian renewed their feud with the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian continued to use chairs on their enemies, and of course, the Dudley Boyz used tables, and the Hardy Boyz are ladder specialists. A match was set between the three teams, and it was a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, in which the belts would be hung above the ring, and Tables, Ladders and Chairs would all be used in the contest. There was a lot of high spots in the contest, in which all six men got hurt, and a lot of respect goes out to them for the contest. Edge and Christian were able to come out on top when they were able to climb up and get the belts, but D-Von Dudley got close to getting the belt at the same time as Jeff Hardy. In the end, Edge and Christian got the win. Christian and Edge, the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. They continued to feud with the Hardy Boyz, and a match was set for Unforgiven as the Hardy Boyz earned the spot to be the number one contenders. The match was eventually made into a cage match by Commissioner Mick Foley as things heated up between the two teams. Edge and Christian took every chance they could to get the upper hand over the Hardy Boyz, and they even made fools out of them by bringing out old tapes of Matt and Jeff from the early 90s when they wrestled in their back yard. The Hardy Boyz tried to attack Christian and Edge in the backstage area, but the two hit the Hardy Boyz with two chairs. Edge and Christian had the upper hand going into the pay per view event, and in the early goings in the Steel Cage match for the Tag Team belts, Jeff Hardy got out of the cage, but he didn't go out on a nice note. Edge knocked Jeff from the top of the cage, to the outside. That left Matt Hardy in the ring alone to fend for himself, and he didn't have much luck. Jeff Hardy tried to get back in the cage a number of times, but Edge and Christian were able to stop him from doing so. Eventually, Christian got to the top of the cage, and he started to climb out, and Jeff Hardy got a ladder, and he tossed it right at Christian to knock him off the side of the cage to the ground. Christian was out of the cage, but much like Jeff Hardy, it was in a not so nice way. The match continued on, and Jeff Hardy was able to get into the cage, and he even did a corkscrew moonsault from the top of the cage onto Edge and Matt in the ring. Lita came out, and she gave Christian a hurricanrana off the top of the ladder on the outside of the ring as he tried to get in the ring. The Hardy Boyz and Edge got to the top of the cage, and Edge tried to get out, but the Hardys knocked Edge down into the ring, and then they climbed out of the ring to defeat Christian and Edge to become the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions! With the Hardy Boyz as the Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian got a shot at the belt the very next night on WWF RAW is WAR's debut on TNN. It was a ladder match, and Mick Foley told Edge and Christian that if the Hardy Boyz retained the belts, they wouldn't be able to get a shot at the belts as long as the Hardys were the Champions. Edge and Christian tried everything, from helping the Mean Street Posse win the belts to dressing up as the Conquistadors to try to win the belts. The Conquistadors, with Edge and Christian under the masks went to an edition of WWF Smackdown! in a battle royal, and they won it to get a shot at the Tag Team Belts at WWF No Mercy. The match went on at No Mercy, and the Conquistadors were able to win the belts when one of the Conquistadors gave Matt Christian's finishing move. The very next night on RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian were to get a shot at the Conquistadors for the Tag Team belts, and it seemed as if two unknown guys were going to be under the masks, but it was the Hardy Boyz. Christian was beaten up in the backstage area, and the Dudley Boyz were blamed for it, but it's unknown if the Dudley Boyz actually did anything to Christian. Edge went to the ring alone, thinking that the guys that he and Christian paid off were going to lay down for him, but that wasn't the case, because the Hardy Boyz were under the masks. Mick Foley revealed some footage where Edge and Christian were talking to the two unknown guys, and they revealed to the world that they were under the masks when the Conquistadors won the titles at No Mercy. The Hardy Boyz, under the masks as the Conquistadors defeated Edge, and Mick told Edge that he would allow the title change from the night before to take place, but then he would allow that night's title change to take place. The Hardy Boyz were awarded the Tag Team Belts. Edge and Christian then went to the Survivor Series to team up with the Right to Censor, and prior to the Survivor Series, the Right to Censor won the WWF Women's and Tag Team belts with help from Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian screwed the Hardy Boyz and Lita out of the Titles as they were very angry at them. Edge, Christian and the Right to Censor went against the Dudley Boyz and the Hardy Boyz at the Survivor Series, and in the end, Jeff Hardy was the only survivor of the contest. Edge and Christian went back on the tag team gold hunt and they went against The Road Dogg and K-Kwik in some number one contenders matches, but nothing was really determined, so Commissioner Foley made a Four Corners match with Edge and Christian on one side, The Road Dogg and K-Kwik on another, the Dudley Boyz and then the Right to Censor. It was one hell of a contest with a lot of action, and the Dudley Boyz came close to winning the belts, but Edge and Christian were able to walk out on top with the gold for the fourth time, in the end. The very next night on RAW is WAR, Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle went against The Rock and the Dudley Boyz in a Tag Team Table match, and apparently, the Dudley Boyz wanted to get at Edge and Christian's belts. The Dudleys got a shot at the tag team belts on the following edition of WWF Smackdown!, but they were unable to win them as Edge and Christian cheated their way to victory by using the tag team belts to knock the Dudleys out to get the win. The Dudley Boyz earned the right for a shot at the Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble, and going into the pay per view, Edge and Christian did all they could to get under the skin of the Dudley Boyz. Edge and Christian even beat them down in the backstage area on an edition of RAW is WAR prior to the Royal Rumble pay per view. Going into the Royal Rumble, both Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley were suffering from concussions, but they performed at the Royal Rumble for the Tag Team Titles and they did all they could to defeat then Champions Edge and Christian and they did just that. The Dudley Boyz gave Edge the Dudley Death Drop and then Buh Buh Ray Dudley pinned Edge for a three count to get the win. It was a good night for the Dudley Boyz as they put an end to Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian were no where to be found the next night on RAW is WAR, but in reality, Edge and Val were flown back to Canada due to the passing of Val's mother. For those of you who don't know, Edge is married to Val's sister, and he's obviously very close to Val's family. Heading into WWF No Way Out, Edge and Christian were involved in a feud with the Undertaker and Kane and the Dudley Boyz. It was undetermined who would go to No Way Out for the Tag Team Titles, and a Triple Threat match was made between the three teams. Many believed that the Undertaker and Kane would plow through their opponents until the match was made into a Triple Threat Table match, which is right up the alley of the Dudley Boyz. Edge and Christian wanted to get their tag team titles back, and they have defeated the Dudley Boyz a number of times in the past, so they were legit contenders in the match. The match went on, and with the Undertaker and Kane having an outside feud with Rikishi and Haku, the fear was there that the two would interfere in the match. That they did. Rikishi and Haku came to the ring and got involved and pretty much took the Undertaker and Kane out of the match. That allowed the Dudley Boyz to give Christian the 3D through a table to get the win. As a result of that match, Edge was taken out of action with a back injury and Christian went on his own while Edge was out of action. Christian's goal was to make it possible for he and Edge to regain the Tag Team Titles when Edge was ready to come back. Edge finally made his return to the scene in the World Wrestling Federation, allowing he and Christian to go to Wrestlemania in another Tables, Ladders and Chairs match up. It was a rematch from their Summer Slam match up for the Tag Team Titles with the same three teams involved. This time, the bar was raised a bit as the six superstars wanted to out do their Summer Slam match. Shortly before Wrestlemania, two new superstars debuted in the World Wrestling Federation and they were Rhyno and Spike Dudley. Spike Dudley joined the side of the Dudley Boyz and Rhyno joined Edge and Christian. Being a long time friend with the former Tag Team Champions, he assisted them as much as he could in the match at Wrestlemania. The Hardy Boyz of course had their equalizer and that was the high flying Lita. Edge and Christian wanted to become 7 time tag team champions and that they did by defeating the Dudley Boyz and the Hardy Boyz, with the help of Rhyno. Edge and Christian proved that they can be the best in these types of matches. They won the Triple Threat Ladder match last year at Wrestlemania, they won at Summer Slam and again at Wrestlemania. The 7th title reign for Edge and Christian didn't last as long as they would have liked as they ran into two monsters in the Undertaker and Kane. One night on WWF Smackdown!, the Undertaker and Kane were booked against Edge and Christian for the tag team titles by Commissioner Regal, and Regal told the Undertaker and Kane that if they could get by Edge and Christian that night, they would be able to go against Triple H and Stone Cold in the future. Kane was pretty much taken out of the match as Stone Cold, Triple H, Edge, Christian and Rhyno beat him down, but he was still able to participate in the match. Just not the way he would have liked. The Undertaker was left alone against Edge and Christian and he took care of business as he won the WWF Tag Team Championship belts! Going into WWF Backlash, Edge and Christian weren't able to win their tag team titles back. With the Hardy Boyz seemingly in the singles competition, Christian wanted to get a taste of some singles gold. Just prior to Backlash, Matt Hardy won the European Championship from Eddie Guerrero, and that prompted Christian to get himself in a match against Matt at Backlash. Commissioner Regal granted him that match, but he also put Eddie Guerrero in the match so he could get a rematch for the title that he lost just a few days before Backlash. The match went on and Christian did all he could to win the match, he even had Edge come to the ringside area and spear the tar out of Matt Hardy, but Matt Hardy was able to pull it off and retain the WWF European Championship belt. The night after Backlash, Edge got a shot at the European Title against Matt, but he was unable to win it as Jeff Hardy rolled Christian into the ring onto the referee, which cost Edge the match in the long run. Matt retained the title once again. After that, Edge and Christian had somewhat of an argument in the backstage area, which lead to speculation of the duo breaking up. Christian and Edge stayed together as a tag team, trying to go after the Tag Team Titles once again. At WWF Judgment day, Edge and Christian teamed up in a Tag Team Turmoil match to determine the number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles. Just prior to Judgment Day, Edge and Christian were having problems with Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Mainly Chris Jericho. Being that Edge and Christian were in the Tag Team Turmoil match, Chris Jericho put himself in the match with a mystery partner. WWF Judgment Day came along and Chris Benoit had a match against Kurt Angle, two out of three falls. The falls were tied and they were in the third fall, and the third fall was a ladder match. Edge and Christian came to the ring to assist Kurt Angle in defeating Chris Benoit and getting his Gold Medals back. Later in the night, the Tag Team Turmoil match came along and Edge and Christian got the luck of the draw as they were the final team in the match, but the team they had to go against was Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, an unlikely duo. Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were able to defeat Christian and Edge when Chris Benoit got the Crippler Crossface on Christian. The following night on RAW is WAR, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit went on to win the Tag Team Titles from Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, the two man power trip. The following edition of WWF Smackdown!, a match was set by the owner of the World Wrestling Federation. It was the first ever televised, four team, Tables, Ladders and Chairs match! That match was a tremendous match and probably the best match on WWF Smackdown! at the time. Chris Benoit was taken out of the match when he went for a flying head butt from the top rope onto Matt Hardy on the outside of the ring on a table. Matt Hardy was able to move out of the way and Chris Benoit went sailing into the table. Benoit got a serious injury as a result of that and he was taken out of the match. That left Chris Jericho to battle alone, but later in the match, Chris Benoit was able to return to grab the Tag Team Titles to retain them. After not being able to win the Tag Team Titles in the World Wrestling Federation, Edge and Christian both set their eyes on another goal, and that was to have some success in the singles ranks. Both men had the same idea as they both decided to enter the King of the Ring Tournament. There was a bit of heat between the two, being that they both had the same idea, but despite that, they both helped each other into the Tournament. Edge's Qualifying opponent was Test, and he was able to get by him as Christian needed to find a way to get past The Big Red Machine, Kane. Edge assisted Christian in getting the win over Kane, and both men were on the road to become the 2001 King of the Ring! Both Edge and Christian made it to the semi final rounds, which would be seen on the pay per view event. The semi finalists were Christian, Kurt Angle, Edge and Rhyno. All part of "Team RECK." These four men were friends, but that was all put behind them for the King of the Ring Tournament. Unfortunately for Edge's brother Christian, he was unable to get by the semi final round as he was up against the 2000 King of the Ring, Kurt Angle. Shane McMahon, who was involved in a feud with Kurt Angle, made sure that Kurt won to be sure that he would have to go through another match before he would get to the Street Fight that Angle and McMahon had later that night. Edge defeated Rhyno without a problem, but he also had to face Kurt Angle. With the help of Shane McMahon, Edge was able to defeat Kurt Angle to become the 2001 King of the Ring. Not only did that anger Kurt Angle, but it seemed like a tarnished victory for Edge. After Edge won the King of the Ring, he was given a King of the Ring Trophy that his brother, Christian found himself carrying around. Christian was seemingly jealous of Edge's winning the King of the Ring, but he kept that private, but it was somewhat obvious, due to the fact that Christian ALWAYS had Edge's trophy. At the King of the Ring, the Invasion of WCW onto WWF Television kicked into full force when Booker T, the WCW Heavyweight Champion attacked the top guy in the WWF. ECW was eventually played into the mix and at the next pay per view of Invasion, Christian and Edge teamed up against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome in a tag team match to open up the card. Edge and Christian were able to come out on top and defeat the two ECW representatives, but in the end of the pay per view, the WCW / ECW Alliance came out on top when Stone Cold Steve Austin turned his back on the World Wrestling Federation and joined the Alliance. After the pay per view, Edge continued to have problems with Lance Storm and Storm captured the WWF Intercontinental Title from Albert. With Edge and Lance Storm having problems and Storm as the Intercontinental Champion, a match was made for Summer Slam with Lance Storm against Edge for that very World Wrestling Federation Title!
Christian: Real Name: Jay Reso Height: 5'10" Weight: 215 pounds From: Toronto, Canada Finishing Move: Unprettier Career Highlights by WeirdKevin: Christian made his World Wrestling Federation debut when Edge, his brother, was going against Owen Hart at WWF Breakdown in September of 1998. When Christian first appeared, he looked like a clone of Edge, and we later found out that he is the brother of Edge. At Breakdown, Christian came to the ringside area, and he got Edge's attention. While Edge was looking towards Christian, this gave Owen Hart a chance to roll Edge up and pin him for the win. Edge didn't seem to care that he lost, because he wanted to find out more about Christian, as to why he showed up at ringside. Christian didn't come to the WWF as a friend of Edge, he came as an enemy as we later found out that he would join Gangrel. Gangrel and Edge were at each other's throats for reasons that we didn't fully know of, because the two have had a history before even entering the World Wrestling Federation. Gangrel joined the WWF in August, and Edge joined the WWF in May. Prior to entering the WWF, they must have had a rocky road, because they wanted to tear each other apart. Christian had his first WWF pay per view match at Judgment Day in October. It was against Taka Michinoku and it was for the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship. Taka Michinoku went for his finishing move, the Michinoku driver, and as he was doing that, Christian hooked the leg and rolled Taka up for the pin. Christian became the new World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Champion in an upset that night. Christian won the match and it was considered an upset by many, because he was a new comer to the WWF at the time. Edge, Christian and Gangrel formed a trio, and they called themselves the Brood. It was a quite confusing thing, because one week, Edge and Gangrel would be at each other's throats, and the next, they formed the Brood. The three members of the Brood took on a Gothic lifestyle, and they liked to live it in a dark style. A Six Man Tag Team match was set for Rock Bottom in December, and it was the Brood against another newly formed group in the J.O.B. Squad. The JOB Squad consisted of Al Snow, Bob Holly and Scorpio. The match took place, and Christian got his finishing move on Scorpio for the win for his team. Christian didn't hold the Light Heavyweight Championship long as he lost it the night after the 1998 Survivor Series to Duane Gill. The Brood, together would do something to wrestlers, and it was called a blood bath. If a member of the Brood lost a match, the Brood would all come out and give a blood bath to the wrestler that did the damage. The Undertaker formed a huge stable called the Ministry of Darkness, and eventually, the Brood fell victim to the Ministry. The Undertaker and his crew beat up on the Brood one night on RAW, and later in the night, the Brood found themselves a part of the Ministry of Darkness. St. Valentines Day Massacre came along, and the Brood weren't scheduled in any matches, but they did appear at the pay per view event. It was Mideon vs. the Big Bossman, and the Bossman defeated Mideon, and after the match, the lights went out and the Brood and the rest of the Ministry came to the ring and beat the hell out of the Bossman and then carried him to the back of the arena. It looked like the Bossman was another victim of joining the Ministry of Darkness, but that wasn't the case. The Big Bossman wasn't sacrificed to the Ministry of Darkness, but he was still having problems with them. A match was set for Wrestlemania, and it was a Hell In A Cell match. It was the Undertaker against the Big Bossman. The Undertaker got the easy win in that match, and after the contest, the members of the Brood came down from the arena ceiling and lowered a rope into the ring for the Undertaker to hang the Bossman on. The Undertaker hung the Bossman at Wrestlemania XV, and he was seemingly dead. Rumors on the Internet and behind the scenes said that the Brood didn't like to be in the Ministry of Darkness, because they were in the shadow of the Undertaker and other superstars that were in the Ministry. Were they true? Only time would tell. The Ministry of Darkness held Stephanie McMahon hostage, and the Undertaker said that she would be the next sacrifice. The Ministry hid her, and Ken Shamrock gave Christian the ankle lock submission and Christian told him where she was. For doing that, the Undertaker told Gangrel and Edge to punish Christian, but they didn't want to do so, so all three members of the Brood were shown the door when it came to the Ministry of Darkness. The Brood went to In Your House: Backlash and they went against the Acolytes and Mideon in Six Man Tag Team action. The match went on, and eventually, Viscera came to the ring and squashed Christian on the outside of the ring and then put him back in the ring for Bradshaw to finish off with the clothesline from hell. The Ministry of Darkness came out on top on this exchange. The World Wrestling Federation had a special on UPN, and it was called WWF Smackdown!, and on that show, the Brood spoke out. They talked about their Gothic life style, and Dok Hendrix, who was interviewing them, didn't believe a thing that they were saying. He thought that they were all a gimmick. The Brood took exception to that, and they gave him a blood bath in the middle of the ring! After the Brood gave Dok Hendrix a blood bath, Dok came out and said who he was, and he aligned himself with a young team in the WWF. Michael Hayes is Dok's real name, and he was going to be a guiding light for the Hardy Boyz. The Brood and the Hardy Boyz had matches on RAW, and even matches that involved Michael Hayes. The Brood got a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship on Monday, May 24, but they weren't able to win the gold. Edge and Gangrel lost the match when Kane gave Gangrel a choke slam for the win. That wasn't the end for the Brood, because they were still a Tag Team in the WWF, and they wanted their shot at some action. The Brood and the Hardy Boyz went against each other at the 1999 King of the Ring, and the winners would be the number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Championship. Gangrel inadvertently cost the Brood the match when he spit that blood into the eyes of Edge. He meant to do it to one of the Hardy Boyz, but it got Edge. After that match, Gangrel explained to Edge and Christian what happened, and there were no hard feelings in the Brood. Eventually, the Brood went their separate ways as Gangrel was jealous of how popular Edge was getting. Edge was wrestling a match one night, and Gangrel and Christian watched from the crowd. It seemed as if Gangrel and Christian were on the same side while Edge was on his own. Edge and Christian got a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship the night after Fully Loaded and while the match was going on, Gangrel came to the ring and pulled Christian out of the ring, leaving Edge in the ring alone to fight against the Acolytes. The Acolytes were able to defeat Edge to retain the belts, and it seemed as if Gangrel and Christian were leaving Edge high and dry. Later we found out that Edge and Christian were on the same side while Gangrel sided with the Hardy Boyz, forming the New Brood. Edge and Christian were in a match at Summer Slam, and it was a Tag Team Turmoil match with many teams in the WWF involved. The match went down, and the Acolytes were able to come out the winners, but Edge and Christian were very impressive in that match up, proving that they are worthy contenders in the future for the WWF belts. On 9/6/99, Edge and Christian defeated the Acolytes to become the number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Championship. The Tag Team Champions at the time were The Rock and Mankind, but on WWF Smackdown!, on 9/9/99, The Undertaker and The Big Show won the belts back. Shortly after that on an edition of RAW is WAR, The Rock and Mankind won the belts back from The Big Show and the Undertaker. Meanwhile, Edge and Christian were the number one contenders who were not getting their shot. That angered a lot of fans on the Internet as the New Age Outlaws reunited to win the Tag Team belts. WWF Unforgiven was coming about, and Edge and Christian weren't on the card, and neither was the New Age Outlaws. On Sunday Night Heat prior to the event, Edge and Christian came out and challenged the New Age Outlaws to a Tag Team Championship match, and the match went down at Unforgiven. With the help of the Hardy Boyz, the New Age Outlaws were able to retain the Tag Team Championship. Jeff Hardy gave Edge a drop kick from the top ropes and then Mr. Ass gave Edge the fame-asser for the win. Christian and Edge wrestled against the Brood in a number of matches, and it was a best of five series. The two teams tied going into the pay per view, No Mercy, and the final match was a ladder match. The match was probably the best match of the year, in WeirdKevin's opinion and the Brood walked out the winners of that match. At the end, Edge and Christian had nothing to be ashamed of as it was a great effort from both teams. Incredible match, do what you can to get your hands on the match. Edge and Christian continued to team up and they went to the 1999 Survivor Series to team up with the Hardy Boyz against Too Cool and the Hardcore Hollys. Edge and the Hardy Boyz were eliminated from the match, but Christian was the only survivor in the match up. You gotta believe that will do good for his career. Edge and Christian as a team continue to strive for WWF Tag Team Championship. The two were involved in a Tag Team Battle Royal at WWF Armageddon, and the winners of the match would go to the Royal Rumble in the new year to wrestle for the WWF Tag Team Championship. Christian and Edge weren't able to win the match, but that isn't the end for these two youngsters. Christian and Edge finally started wrestling in singles matches, yet they are still a team. Christian was a part of the Royal Rumble in January 2000, but he was unable to win the contest as he was eliminated. The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian's feud started up again and Christian and Edge went to No Way Out in February to go against the two high flyers. Terri made her return that night, and she was in the corner of the Hardy Boyz. While the match was going on, Jeff Hardy was on the top rope and he was planning on attacking Edge and Christian in the ring, but Terri got on the apron and shoved Jeff off the top rope. From there, Terri slapped Matt in the face, and seemingly, she joined forces with Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian looked as if they didn't know what was going on and what was going through her head. Christian got the win for his team when he gave Matt Hardy his finishing move, and after the match, Michael Cole talked to the team, and Christian said that he didn't know what was going through Terri's head, and Edge said that it didn't matter, because all that mattered was that they won the match and are going to Wrestlemania for the tag team championship belts! Edge and Christian weren't going to go to Wrestlemania for the tag team belts, because they got a shot at the Dudley Boyz on a Smackdown! prior to the event. The Dudley Boyz retained the belts at that event, and matches were set on the 3/20 edition of RAW to determine who would go to Wrestlemania for the tag team belts. In the end of the tournament, the Dudley Boyz came to the ring and attacked the teams in the ring, and they happened to be the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian. Vince McMahon declared both teams the number one contenders for the tag team belts, and all three went to Wrestlemania in a Triangle Ladder match. The match was one hell of a match, and Edge and Christian came out on top. Edge looked pretty hurt after the contest was over. Christian and Edge remained the WWF Tag Team Champions after title defenses on WWF RAW is WAR, and they got in a feud with The Road Dogg and X-Pac of Degeneration X going into WWF Backlash. The two teams went at it at the PPV event, and prior to the event, The Road Dogg let out a mean streak. The Road Dogg went against Christian on WWF Smackdown!, and he originally won the match, but being that he wouldn't stop beating on Christian, the referee reversed the decision and gave the match to Christian by disqualification. X-Pac wasn't around that Monday and Thursday due to the fact that there was a death in his family. At WWF Backlash, the match went on, and with the help of a ring bell, Edge and Christian retained the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship belts. That wasn't the end of the feud between The Road Dogg and X-Pac and Edge and Christian. The teams continued to feud onto RAW is WAR the very next night. Being that Edge and Christian busted X-Pac wide open at Backlash, he and The Road Dogg wanted to get revenge against Edge and Christian the next night, so they came and attacked them and tossed them to the wolves that were The Big Show and Rikishi Phatu. Edge and Christian started to poke fun at others, and they think that they are better than the fans as they don't come to the ring through the crowds anymore. The two act as if they still care about the fans as they pose in the middle of the ring, for those who have flash photography to take a picture of them. Edge and Christian teamed up with Kurt Angle at WWF Judgment Day, and they went against Rikishi Phatu and Too Cool. Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu came out on top when Grandmaster Sexay gave Edge the hip hop drop, allowing Rikishi to make the pin. Christian and Edge were still the Tag Team Champions as it was a six man tag team match, and not for the belts. Too Cool got a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship belts on the May 29 edition of RAW is WAR, and Too Cool were able to come out on top when Joe C. who was a visitor to the WWF and RAW came to the ring and nailed Christian with a low blow with a hockey stick. From there, Grandmaster Sexay hit Christian with the tag team belt and then he pinned him to get the win and become the new WWF Tag Team Champions with his partner, Scotty 2 Hotty. Christian tried to get in the King of the Ring Tournament, but he failed. He and Edge went to the King of the Ring in a Tag Team Championship match, and this was a Four Team Match. It was Edge and Christian vs. T&A vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. the Champions, Too Cool. In the end, it wound up being Edge and Christian against Too Cool, and Edge and Christian were able to come out on top and become the new WWF Tag Team Champions when Christian nailed Grandmaster Sexay in the back of the head with the Championship belt, behind the referee's back. Edge scored the pin and new Champions were crowned. Going into WWF Fully Loaded, the Acolytes won a tag team battle royal to earn the spot to be the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship belts. As weeks went by leading into the event, Edge and Christian made excuses left and right as to why they didn't have to fight the Acolytes. The match was originally scheduled on WWF Smackdown! after the Acolytes won the Battle Royal, but Edge and Christian were worn out from going against two tough opponents in the Undertaker and Kane. On the 7/17 edition of RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian teamed up with Chris Benoit to go against The Rock and the Acolytes. The team of Edge, Christian and Benoit were able to come out on top that night. When Fully Loaded came around, Edge and Christian were once again trying to get out of a match with the Acolytes as they made an excuse that Christian had food poisoning. While Mick Foley didn't believe them, he got a doctor to check on Christian. The doctor said that he didn't think that Christian would be able to compete that night, and Edge and Christian thought they got out of a match with the Acolytes. Later on in the night, Mick went into the locker room of Edge and Christian, and Christian seemed to be fine, but once he discovered that Mick Foley was there, he went into the bathroom and faked the sickness once again. Mick saw that Christian was just throwing water into a toilet and making puking sounds, and that's how he pulled off the sickness. Mick told them that they are so busted and their match is on. Match time came around, and the Acolytes held nothing back against Edge and Christian as Faarooq used the steel steps against the two youngsters right from the get go. The two teams finally got in the ring, and as the match came to a close, the Acolytes were about to win the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship belts, but Edge got in the ring with a Championship belt and he nailed one of the Acolytes with it in front of the referee. The referee gave the match to the Acolytes by disqualification, but the title can not change hands on a disqualification. Going into Summer Slam, Edge and Christian renewed their feud with the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian continued to use chairs on their enemies, and of course, the Dudley Boyz used tables, and the Hardy Boyz are ladder specialists. A match was set between the three teams, and it was a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, in which the belts would be hung above the ring, and Tables, Ladders and Chairs would all be used in the contest. There was a lot of high spots in the contest, in which all six men got hurt, and a lot of respect goes out to them for the contest. Edge and Christian were able to come out on top when they were able to climb up and get the belts, but D-Von Dudley got close to getting the belt at the same time as Jeff Hardy. In the end, Edge and Christian got the win. Christian and Edge, the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. They continued to feud with the Hardy Boyz, and a match was set for Unforgiven as the Hardy Boyz earned the spot to be the number one contenders. The match was eventually made into a cage match by Commissioner Mick Foley as things heated up between the two teams. Edge and Christian took every chance they could to get the upper hand over the Hardy Boyz, and they even made fools out of them by bringing out old tapes of Matt and Jeff from the early 90s when they wrestled in their back yard. The Hardy Boyz tried to attack Christian and Edge in the backstage area, but the two hit the Hardy Boyz with two chairs. Edge and Christian had the upper hand going into the pay per view event, and in the early goings in the Steel Cage match for the Tag Team belts, Jeff Hardy got out of the cage, but he didn't go out on a nice note. Edge knocked Jeff from the top of the cage, to the outside. That left Matt Hardy in the ring alone to fend for himself, and he didn't have much luck. Jeff Hardy tried to get back in the cage a number of times, but Edge and Christian were able to stop him from doing so. Eventually, Christian got to the top of the cage, and he started to climb out, and Jeff Hardy got a ladder, and he tossed it right at Christian to knock him off the side of the cage to the ground. Christian was out of the cage, but much like Jeff Hardy, it was in a not so nice way. The match continued on, and Jeff Hardy was able to get into the cage, and he even did a corkscrew moonsault from the top of the cage onto Edge and Matt in the ring. Lita came out, and she gave Christian a hurricanrana off the top of the ladder on the outside of the ring as he tried to get in the ring. The Hardy Boyz and Edge got to the top of the cage, and Edge tried to get out, but the Hardys knocked Edge down into the ring, and then they climbed out of the ring to defeat Christian and Edge to become the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions! With the Hardy Boyz as the Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian got a shot at the belt the very next night on WWF RAW is WAR's debut on TNN. It was a ladder match, and Mick Foley told Edge and Christian that if the Hardy Boyz retained the belts, they wouldn't be able to get a shot at the belts as long as the Hardys were the Champions. Edge and Christian tried everything, from helping the Mean Street Posse win the belts to dressing up as the Conquistadors to try to win the belts. The Conquistadors, with Edge and Christian under the masks went to an edition of WWF Smackdown! in a battle royal, and they won it to get a shot at the Tag Team Belts at WWF No Mercy. The match went on at No Mercy, and the Conquistadors were able to win the belts when one of the Conquistadors gave Matt Christian's finishing move. The very next night on RAW is WAR, Edge and Christian were to get a shot at the Conquistadors for the Tag Team belts, and it seemed as if two unknown guys were going to be under the masks, but it was the Hardy Boyz. Christian was beaten up in the backstage area, and the Dudley Boyz were blamed for it, but it's unknown if the Dudley Boyz actually did anything to Christian. Edge went to the ring alone, thinking that the guys that he and Christian paid off were going to lay down for him, but that wasn't the case, because the Hardy Boyz were under the masks. Mick Foley revealed some footage where Edge and Christian were talking to the two unknown guys, and they revealed to the world that they were under the masks when the Conquistadors won the titles at No Mercy. The Hardy Boyz, under the masks as the Conquistadors defeated Edge, and Mick told Edge that he would allow the title change from the night before to take place, but then he would allow that night's title change to take place. The Hardy Boyz were awarded the Tag Team Belts. Edge and Christian then went to the Survivor Series to team up with the Right to Censor, and prior to the Survivor Series, the Right to Censor won the WWF Women's and Tag Team belts with help from Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian screwed the Hardy Boyz and Lita out of the Titles as they were very angry at them. Edge, Christian and the Right to Censor went against the Dudley Boyz and the Hardy Boyz at the Survivor Series, and in the end, Jeff Hardy was the only survivor of the contest. Edge and Christian went back on the tag team gold hunt and they went against The Road Dogg and K-Kwik in some number one contenders matches, but nothing was really determined, so Commissioner Foley made a Four Corners match with Edge and Christian on one side, The Road Dogg and K-Kwik on another, the Dudley Boyz and then the Right to Censor. It was one hell of a contest with a lot of action, and the Dudley Boyz came close to winning the belts, but Edge and Christian were able to walk out on top with the gold for the fourth time, in the end. The very next night on RAW is WAR, Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle went against The Rock and the Dudley Boyz in a Tag Team Table match, and apparently, the Dudley Boyz wanted to get at Edge and Christian's belts. The Dudleys got a shot at the tag team belts on the following edition of WWF Smackdown!, but they were unable to win them as Edge and Christian cheated their way to victory by using the tag team belts to knock the Dudleys out to get the win. The Dudley Boyz earned the right for a shot at the Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble, and going into the pay per view, Edge and Christian did all they could to get under the skin of the Dudley Boyz. Edge and Christian even beat them down in the backstage area on an edition of RAW is WAR prior to the Royal Rumble pay per view. Going into the Royal Rumble, both Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley were suffering from concussions, but they performed at the Royal Rumble for the Tag Team Titles and they did all they could to defeat then Champions Edge and Christian and they did just that. The Dudley Boyz gave Edge the Dudley Death Drop and then Buh Buh Ray Dudley pinned Edge for a three count to get the win. It was a good night for the Dudley Boyz as they put an end to Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian were no where to be found the next night on RAW is WAR. Christian made an appearance on WWF Smackdown! as he got a shot at the European Title against Test. Christian did everything he could to win the European Title, but he was unable to as Test gave Christian a loud big boot to get the win. Heading into WWF No Way Out, Edge and Christian were involved in a feud with the Undertaker and Kane and the Dudley Boyz. It was undetermined who would go to No Way Out for the Tag Team Titles, and a Triple Threat match was made between the three teams. Many believed that the Undertaker and Kane would plow through their opponents until the match was made into a Triple Threat Table match, which is right up the alley of the Dudley Boyz. Edge and Christian wanted to get their tag team titles back, and they have defeated the Dudley Boyz a number of times in the past, so they were legit contenders in the match. The match went on, and with the Undertaker and Kane having an outside feud with Rikishi and Haku, the fear was there that the two would interfere in the match. That they did. Rikishi and Haku came to the ring and got involved and pretty much took the Undertaker and Kane out of the match. That allowed the Dudley Boyz to give Christian the 3D through a table to get the win. As a result of that match, Edge was taken out of action with a back injury and Christian went on his own while Edge was out of action. Christian's goal was to make it possible for he and Edge to regain the Tag Team Titles when Edge was ready to come back. Edge finally made his return to the scene in the World Wrestling Federation, allowing he and Christian to go to Wrestlemania in another Tables, Ladders and Chairs match up. It was a rematch from their Summer Slam match up for the Tag Team Titles with the same three teams involved. This time, the bar was raised a bit as the six superstars wanted to out do their Summer Slam match. Shortly before Wrestlemania, two new superstars debuted in the World Wrestling Federation and they were Rhyno and Spike Dudley. Spike Dudley joined the side of the Dudley Boyz and Rhyno joined Edge and Christian. Being a long time friend with the former Tag Team Champions, he assisted them as much as he could in the match at Wrestlemania. The Hardy Boyz of course had their equalizer and that was the high flying Lita. Edge and Christian wanted to become 7 time tag team champions and that they did by defeating the Dudley Boyz and the Hardy Boyz, with the help of Rhyno. Edge and Christian proved that they can be the best in these types of matches. They won the Triple Threat Ladder match last year at Wrestlemania, they won at Summer Slam and again at Wrestlemania. The 7th title reign for Edge and Christian didn't last as long as they would have liked as they ran into two monsters in the Undertaker and Kane. One night on WWF Smackdown!, the Undertaker and Kane were booked against Edge and Christian for the tag team titles by Commissioner Regal, and Regal told the Undertaker and Kane that if they could get by Edge and Christian that night, they would be able to go against Triple H and Stone Cold in the future. Kane was pretty much taken out of the match as Stone Cold, Triple H, Edge, Christian and Rhyno beat him down, but he was still able to participate in the match. Just not the way he would have liked. The Undertaker was left alone against Edge and Christian and he took care of business as he won the WWF Tag Team Championship belts! Going into WWF Backlash, Edge and Christian weren't able to win their tag team titles back. With the Hardy Boyz seemingly in the singles competition, Christian wanted to get a taste of some singles gold. Just prior to Backlash, Matt Hardy won the European Championship from Eddie Guerrero, and that prompted Christian to get himself in a match against Matt at Backlash. Commissioner Regal granted him that match, but he also put Eddie Guerrero in the match so he could get a rematch for the title that he lost just a few days before Backlash. The match went on and Christian did all he could to win the match, he even had Edge come to the ringside area and spear the tar out of Matt Hardy, but Matt Hardy was able to pull it off and retain the WWF European Championship belt. The night after Backlash, Edge got a shot at the European Title against Matt, but he was unable to win it as Jeff Hardy rolled Christian into the ring onto the referee, which cost Edge the match in the long run. Matt retained the title once again. After that, Edge and Christian had somewhat of an argument in the backstage area, which lead to speculation of the duo breaking up. Christian and Edge stayed together as a tag team, trying to go after the Tag Team Titles once again. At WWF Judgment day, Edge and Christian teamed up in a Tag Team Turmoil match to determine the number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles. Just prior to Judgment Day, Edge and Christian were having problems with Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Mainly Chris Jericho. Being that Edge and Christian were in the Tag Team Turmoil match, Chris Jericho put himself in the match with a mystery partner. WWF Judgment Day came along and Chris Benoit had a match against Kurt Angle, two out of three falls. The falls were tied and they were in the third fall, and the third fall was a ladder match. Edge and Christian came to the ring to assist Kurt Angle in defeating Chris Benoit and getting his Gold Medals back. Later in the night, the Tag Team Turmoil match came along and Edge and Christian got the luck of the draw as they were the final team in the match, but the team they had to go against was Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, an unlikely duo. Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were able to defeat Christian and Edge when Chris Benoit got the Crippler Crossface on Christian. The following night on RAW is WAR, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit went on to win the Tag Team Titles from Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, the two man power trip. The following edition of WWF Smackdown!, a match was set by the owner of the World Wrestling Federation. It was the first ever televised, four team, Tables, Ladders and Chairs match! That match was a tremendous match and probably the best match on WWF Smackdown! at the time. Chris Benoit was taken out of the match when he went for a flying head butt from the top rope onto Matt Hardy on the outside of the ring on a table. Matt Hardy was able to move out of the way and Chris Benoit went sailing into the table. Benoit got a serious injury as a result of that and he was taken out of the match. That left Chris Jericho to battle alone, but later in the match, Chris Benoit was able to return to grab the Tag Team Titles to retain them. After Edge and Christian weren't able to regain the Tag Team Championship belts, they seemed to be having problems. A bit of a disagreement. From there, both Edge and Christian wanted to prove that they can have success outside of the Tag Team Division. Both men had the same idea and that was to enter the King of the Ring. Christian had a hard time getting into the King of the Ring as he was up against Kane, but with the help of his brother Edge, Christian was able to defeat the Big Red Machine to Qualify for the King of the Ring Tournament. Edge's first opponent wasn't as tough as Christian's, but it was a pretty tough one with Edge against Test. Edge qualified to advance to the tournament. Both Edge and Christian made it to the semi final rounds, which would be seen on the pay per view and Christian's first opponent at the PPV was Kurt Angle. Kurt entered the tournament, wanting to become the King of the Ring for the second year in a row. Kurt also had some problems with Shane McMahon and when it was time for Kurt Angle to go against Christian, Christian had the upper hand and it looked like he was going to win it, but Shane McMahon hit the ring and assisted Kurt Angle in getting the win. Shane wanted to make sure that Kurt would have another match that night before he got to the Street Fight. Christian was screwed out of his chance to win the King of the Ring, but his brother Edge was able to go all the way and defeat Kurt Angle in the finals, with the help of Shane McMahon. After Edge's winning the King of the Ring, Christian became jealous of Edge. With Edge winning the King of the Ring, he won a "King of the Ring Trophy" and Christian found himself with the Trophy more than Edge. At the King of the Ring, the Invasion of WCW onto WWF Television kicked into full force when Booker T, the WCW Heavyweight Champion attacked the top guy in the WWF. ECW was eventually played into the mix and at the next pay per view of Invasion, Christian and Edge teamed up against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome in a tag team match to open up the card. Edge and Christian were able to come out on top and defeat the two ECW representatives, but in the end of the pay per view, the WCW / ECW Alliance came out on top when Stone Cold Steve Austin turned his back on the World Wrestling Federation and joined the Alliance. After the pay per view, Edge continued to have problems with Lance Storm and Storm captured the WWF Intercontinental Title from Albert...
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